Holiday Gift Ideas for Everyone on Your List!

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Holiday Gift ideas for everyone on your list

Around this time of year, I often get questions about unique ideas for gifts for clients or business associates. So, whether naughty or nice, I have holiday gift ideas for everyone on your list! Here are my top 12 reads (in no particular order) that would make awesome gifts for any success-minded person in your world!


  1.  Respond with Confidence: The Business Owner’s Blueprint for Handling Difficult Situations (Nancy Ganzekaufer)

    Truly, a must-read for a modern-day entrepreneur wanting to show up confidently in the world. Learning how to manage your emotions in any situation you encounter can make the difference between a successful, profitable business and a struggling one. Throughout the book filled with my real-life examples, I help you learn to navigate away from emotional situations. This allows you time to decompress so you can pivot toward a solution-focused mindset.

  1. The Power of Focus (Jack Canfield)

    Shedding light on the #1 reason that stops people from getting what they want – a lack of focus – this book is quite relevant today. Filled with easy-to-implement action steps in every chapter, it’s not just about what to do, but also how to do it. Biggest takeaway: every one of us can overcome life’s greatest challenges and take advantage of the opportunity to pull out all the stops and grow as a person.

  2. Captivate (Vanessa Van Edwards)

    You could say this is the ideal book for introverts. Body language and the study of it are so fascinating! Nonverbal communication is even more important than words when you want to build strong relationships and grow a successful business. And what better way to learn about the hidden forces that drive people than from a human behavior hacker herself? (btw…Vanessa was my body language coach when I got certified as a body language trainer!)

  3. Everything Is Figureoutable (Marie Forleo)

    Perfect for anyone who wants to do anything — whether scaling your business or learning a new skill — this book will help you shift your mindset to think differently and face setbacks a lot more effectively. The title says it all! Everything we want or need to know to be successful is within our reach.

  4. The Perfect Day Formula (Craig Ballantyne)

    Drastic changes, simple steps, and a practical plan for creating your own vision, achieving goals, and living a happier life. We do not have to reinvent the wheel! Simply figure out what has worked in the past — and do those things again.

  5. Daring Greatly (Brene Brown)Holiday gift ideas for everyone on your shopping list.

    A gem for even your most well-read friend. This book is about courage! Being authentically you is the scariest thing, but it will result in your greatest accomplishments. So, be scared but do it anyway. This wonderful book is one of many awesome holiday gift ideas for everyone on your list!

  6. The 5 Second Rule: Transform your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage (Mel Robbins)

    Procrastination, indecision, and doubt – all the things that most of us have struggled with at one point or another in our lives. But when you have a simple roadmap on how to get things done – it is actually easier than you think to get unstuck and move forward.

  7. Women Who Think Too Much: How to Break Free of Overthinking and Reclaim Your Life (Susan Nolen-Hoeksema)

    Are you an overthinker? I know I have been! In fact, a lot of women are stuck in these negative cycles of overthinking. And it is such a relief to know that we are not alone. I am grateful that there are solid tools to help us recognize and challenge this thought process. Give this great gift to overthinkers in your life.

  8. Pomodoro Technique Illustrated (Staffan Noteberg)

    Simply put, work with the time you have rather than against it! This book will teach you an incredible Pomodoro technique that helps you focus, work less and get more done.

  9. Words that Sell (Richard Bayan)

    Your words matter! Changing a few words in your communication can make a huge impact on its success. For anyone that wants to learn to communicate more effectively – in your marketing, sales collateral, or even on social media – this is quite a handy go-to resource.

  10. DotCom Secrets (Russell Brunson)

    These days, you must understand the psychology behind marketing to grow a successful business. A valuable read packed with a solid strategy on how to attract and retain more customers. Great gift for an entrepreneur in your life. 

  11. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success (Carol Dweck)

    Embracing a growth mindset is singlehandedly the MOST important thing you can do to achieve what you want in life and business. Applicable in so many areas of your life from relationships, to parenting, and business – learning to recognize how your mindset affects your life can be an eye-opening experience. 

Looking back over these titles, you should be able to find holiday gift ideas for everyone on your list! Love my book ideas for gift giving? I have plenty of other ideas, daily inspiration, and best practices to help you grow your business. And I share it all in my private FB group, the Interior Design Business Forum here. Hop in and get a head start on becoming a more profitable entrepreneur.

Want to get out of overwhelm and find clarity? Let me help! Sign up for a business strategy call and I will help you make decisions on the next steps for you and your business.   

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Business coach gift guide for everyone on your list.
Guide to holiday gifts for anyone on your list.
Helpful gift ideas to add to your shopping list.

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Respond with Confidence

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