Make More Money and Achieve Your Biggest Goals Yet

Interior Design Business Coaching for Interior Designers Who Are Ready To Grow!

“I’m making money, but want to increase my profit margin.”

“I’m not profitable, even though I’m working so hard.”

“I don’t even know where to start to make things better.”

Are you ready to learn? 

Profitability Coach Nancy Ganzekaufer

You’re in a constant state of overwhelm?

You’re struggling to find enough qualified clients?

You’re not cut out to be an entrepreneur (and want to quit)?

Are you ready to change?

Success By Design

Work with Nancy Ganzekaufer

Be the Interior Designer Clients Think of First with an Interior Design Business Coach!

Ready to rock the spotlight in a crowded market?

Take Center Stage:  Leverage top-notch business techniques to become the in-demand, go-to interior designer you deserve to be.

Amp Up Your Presence:  Master targeted marketing strategies to stand out and get the noticed by qualified ideal clients.

Design and Shine: Transform your creative flair into a profitable business with the support of an Interior Design Business Coach, turning client engagement into a referral-making machine.

Recently started an interior design business? Been at it for a couple of years and not where you want to be?

Check out these FREE Resources!

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Been in business for years but feeling overwhelmed? Need work-life balance? Want to grow your business?

Real Stories of Success

Successful Interior Designer Beth Forer

Beth Forer

Beth Forer Design

Sometimes all it takes is a nudge in the right direction for things to improve dramatically. That’s what Nancy is so good at – nudging her clients towards confidence, giving them the tools to achieve whatever they set their mind to accomplishing. With a mind-boggling amount of information and reference materials, she knows what her students need and knows how to present the information in the clearest way possible. And her joyfulness and cheerful demeanor makes the experience working with her all that much more enjoyable.

Successful Interior Designer Veronica Pluta

Veronica Pluta

VP Interiors

Hiring Nancy as my interior design business coach and joining the Profit Insiders Group has made a tremendous impact on my business and my overall confidence as an interior designer. Her no-nonsense teaching skills were refreshing and impactful. The wealth of information she has provided will be the catalyst that will catapult my business’s success. Hiring Nancy has completely changed the trajectory of my future business and the return on investment was quadrupled within a few weeks. Best business decision I have ever made!!!!

Jill Brown

Jill Brown Design Works

I have learned a LOT and am so much more confident. I have increased clarity about where I want my business to go, and I’m not longer chasing after what I see others doing. I have a “what would Nancy do” commentary running through my head as problems and opportunities arise. If you want to make more money, change your mindset, unlock your potential, and eradicate perceived limitations, Nancy will get you there! For me, the cosmic shift from resistance to confidence is the greatest benefit. I really can’t thank you enough, Nancy!

Aim Higher. Dream Bigger. Earn More.

Design Your Time!

Time Management for Interior Designers by Personality Type